Tuesday 28 April 2009

First Foray into Blogworlds - a bit about us

Hi there

My first blog posting - a blog virgin - but they tell me it may be good to enhance our farmshops online presence.

We lead an interesting life here at Yerbeston Gate Farm, its a busy life, as we have somewhere in the region of 120 pigs (it changes weekly!!), between 20 and 40 Welsh Black Cattle, 20 Balwen sheep with their young lambs at foot, about 100 hens for eggs.

The shop is open 6 days a week serving Pembrokeshire people and holidaymakers in the shop, we also have a delivery service which delivers locally and also nationally via courier with deliveries Wednesday to Friday.

Our days are packed with all sorts of activities which we will keep posted on here, from new lambs and piglets being born to those same animals trying to make a break for freedom. We are also always trying out new recipes in our farmhouse kitchen and any ideas or suggestions would be welcome.

Take Care
looking forward to blogging